Selasa, 06 November 2012

Tips Trik Memotret di Museum

Santi Dwi Jayanti - detikinet
Salah satu larangan di museum (discoverdigitalphotography)
Jakarta - Museum adalah salah satu tempat yang layak dimasukkan dalam daftar kunjungan wisata saat berlibur. Menilik karya-karya menawan yang dipajang dan arsitektur bangunan museumnya sendiri yang nyeni, sayang jika tidak mengabadikannya dalam bentuk foto.

Akan tetapi, tak seperti tempat wisata lainnya, museum memiliki kebijakan yang lebih ketat ketika berurusan dengan kegiatan memotret. Di luar itu, kondisi pencahayaan di museum yang tidak terlalu terang menjadi persoalan tersendiri.

Namun bukan berarti hal ini tidak ada solusinya. Dikutip detikINET dari ExposureGuide, Jumat (7/9/2012), berikut cara mengatasi kendala memotret di museum :

1. Sebelum Memulai

Bagi sebagian orang pasti sudah mengetahui bahwa museum memiliki peraturan yang ketat mengenai aktivitas memotret. Larangan ini salah satunya adalah larangan pemakaian flash atau larangan memotret benda-benda tertentu.

Namun, sebagian besar museum masih membolehkan pengunjung untuk memotret arsitektur bangunan dan area di luarnya. Untuk melakukannya, pilih aperture besar (f/2.8-f/4.0) guna memasukkan cahaya yang cukup. Bila perlu, gunakan tripod atau monopod saat memakai shutter speed rendah jika flash tidak boleh digunakan.

2. Memotret dalam Kondisi Low Light

Pencahayaan di museum biasanya tidak terlalu terang. Oleh karena itulah diperlukan penyettingan kamera secara tepat.

Pakai ISO setidaknya di angka 400. Jika flash tak boleh dipakai, gunakan aperture terlebar semampu Anda sehingga Anda bisa menggunakannya secara hand hold dan pakailah shutter speed tinggi.

Pasalnya, terkadang saat memotret display, tripod juga dilarang karena bisa menghalangi orang lain untuk melihat karya yang dipajang.

3. Hindari Refleksi Kaca

Banyak pameran yang dipajang di dalam kaca, terutama artefak dan lukisan berharga. Untuk menghindari refleksi, jangan pernah gunakan flash, di luar penggunaannya memang tidak diperkenankan.

Dalam kasus ini, Anda harus mendekatkan lensa ke kaca, jika ini dibolehkan. Namun, bersihkan dulu kaca di depan Anda agar bekas sidik jari tidak ikut terekam dalam foto.

Jika Anda bisa memakai filter polarisasi, ini juga akan sangat membantu mengurangi refleksi. Kadang juga dibutuhkan menaikkan ISO karena banyak artefak yang dipajang dalam kondisi yang sangat temaram.

4. Perhatikan Detail

Jangan takut untuk mendekat pada obyek guna mendapatkan efek dramatis. Lensa makro di sini sangat membantu untuk menangkap detail.

Namun jika Anda harus berada dalam jarak yang agak jauh, pakailah lensa zoom. Atur settingan ke aperture besar yakni f/1.8 hingga f/4.0 dan kecepatan rana 1/100 per detik jika memakai flash atau 1/60 per detik dan lebih rendah jika tanpa flash.

5. Memotret Langit-langit

Beberapa museum memiliki aristektur yang menarik dan berseni. Terkadang, arsitektur apik ini bisa dijumpai di langit-langit.

Guna mengabadikan keindahannya, hadapkan kamera ke atas dan cobalah untuk tidak memakai flash. ISO 400 ke atas dibutuhkan agar kamera bisa berkompromi dengan cahaya yang minim. Gunakan self timer atau cable release bila dibolehkan memakai tripod, dengan tujuan mencegah foto menjadi blur.


8 Tips Menjepret Foto Candid yang Menarik

Santi Dwi Jayanti - detikinet


Foto candid (ExpertPhotography) Jakarta - Bagi sejumlah orang, memotret candid adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Foto yang dihasilkan terlihat lebih natural dan ada kepuasan tersendiri saat mendapatkan momentum atau ekspresi orang yang pas dan menarik.

Mungkin dari Anda sudah kerap melakukan foto candid ini, baik dengan menggunakan kamera ponsel maupun kamera 'serius'. Nah, bagi yang belum terbiasa, berikut disajikan sejumlah tips memperoleh foto candid yang ciamik, seperti dilansir dari ExpertPhotography, Senin (15/10/2012):

1. Jangan Pakai Flash

Aturan pertama, tentu saja hindari pengunaan flash. Sebagai gantinya, cobalah untuk melebarkan aperture dan menggenjot ISO. Hal ini akan membantu Anda dalam pengambilan foto yang baik meski dalam kondisi low-light.

2. Selalu Bawa Kamera

Jika ingin menyingkirkan rasa takut atau ragu-ragu dalam mengambil foto candid, biasakan untuk sesering mungkin membawa kamera Anda kapanpun dan di manapun. Anda akan terlatih untuk tidak canggung lagi memotret candid.

3. Bersabarlah

Kesabaran adalah poin penting untuk mendapatkan foto yang bagus. Bersabarlah untuk mendapatkan senyuman yang sempurna, atau bersabarlah saat menunggu subyek menghadap Anda.

4. Gunakan Lensa Tele

Memakai lensa telephoto adalah cara paling mumpuni untuk membuat kehadiran Anda tidak disadari. Anda bisa berdiri sangat jauh dari subyek namun masih bisa mendapatkan foto close up.

5. Tambahkan Konteks

Tanpa konteks, foto akan terasa 'datar'. Sebaiknya, posisikan subyek di kiri atau kanan frame guna menunjukkan lokasi mereka berada atau apa sedang mereka lakukan.

6. Sigap dengan Momen yang Pas

Menangkap gambar orang dalam momen yang pas akan memberikan hasil terbaik. Anda harus bisa sigap ketika menjumpai momentum ini. Tangkap emosi yang dilakukan si subyek yang tengah tertawa, menangis, nyengir, atau apapun.

7. Bergeraklah dan Cari Posisi yang Tepat

Saat Anda memotret orang secara candid, Anda tidak bisa seenaknya meminta mereka berpose atau berpindah untuk sebuah komposisi yang diinginkan.

Jadi upayakan mendapatkan foto natural dengan kompisisi ciamik tanpa harus berkomunikasi denga subyek. Caranya? Anda harus berpindah dan mencari posisi yang tepat di sekitar subyek. Lagipula, deretan foto yang diambil dari posisi itu-itu saja akan tampak membosankan.

8. Gunakan Mode Burst

Gerakan manusia terkadang susah diprediksi dan Anda kerapkali hanya mendapat satu kesempatan bagus. Jadi, bidiklah sebanyak mungkin dengan bantuan mode burst. Anda akan terkejut melihat hasilnya karena siapa tahu dari foto-foto ini ada satu foto atau lebih yang stand out dan bisa membuat Anda tersenyum puas.

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012


  • motorcycle gang
Now motorcycle gangs already are in a dangerous level, do not hesitate to fight them and not feel guilty of the murder gang. Striking differences of motorcycle gangs and motorcycle clubs are:A. Most members of motorcycle gangs are not wearing safety equipment such as helmets, boots and jackets.2. Carrying sharp weapons made or already at the factory such as samurai, the dagger to the Molotov cocktail.3. Usually just sticking the night and do not use torch lights and noisy.4. Away from social activities, never make social occasions such as circumcision mass or mass mating, they prefer to make a mass killing event.5. Its members to the more frightening the men, carpenters drunk, a gambler and a hobby to kill, though it is possible there are women who come and go girl motorcycle gang is usually a guy lust enslaved masses.6. Motors they use bulging then, no mirrors, turn signal, until the main light. The important thing for them is strong and able to bulldoze people passing by.7. Vision and their mission is clear, just make a mess and want to be among the scariest gang another biker gangs to frequent fights over the motor.8. Not listed in the police or the local community.9. If you hang out, rather far away from said light. Prefer a quiet, dark and foul odor.10. If the inauguration of a new child is usually the physical play, was told to fight and drink until vomiting.Obviously not their characteristics?But now needs to watch out because there are motorcycle gangs masquerading as motorcycle clubs. Dressed, and full safety gear riding but arrogant, and selfish anarchist street and did not hesitate when they make violent when he feels harassed.
Motorcycle clubs are usually composed by people who have a hobby motor. Usually under the banner of the motor manufacturer and has a name with frills manufacturer. More basic activities of motorcycle clubs in the direction of safety riding campaigns and social activities.Child characteristics Motor Club are:A. Safety equipment in the driving is really complete.2. Bike and rider are both complete even the typically coupled put a box behind the motor for motorcycle helmets and equipment.3. Usually every motorcycle club consists of only one type of bike brands and one only, but there is also a mixture of.4. Kopdar hanging or a crowded so you can see the event as well as other motorcycle clubs silahturahmi to the chance to pass.5. Inauguration of the new members are usually non-violent, just for having fun and giving knowledge of the ins and outs of the right traffic.6. Having a clear vision and mission, and far from the scope of the anarchists.7. Touring activities to these areas while distributing donations.8. AD / ART they are clear and recorded in the police or the container from the motor club association.9. Helping each other against another motorcycle club member when the streets get trouble.10. Each club has a purpose in driving the motor and regulations that do not charge members.During the AD / ART and they are clearly listed on the part of police, motorcycle clubs not going to turn into motorcycle gangs.
Community bike is not much different motorcycle clubs, neither of which smelled of violent conduct and fighting. But in terms of regulations and safety riding, bike community is different and just rely more obvious touring activities without the frills of the motor manufacturer. Its characteristics as follows:1. Community usually consists of various types of motorcycles and motorcycle brands, is free and there are a variety of flow.2. Standing under the banner of those complex associations, manufacturers or companies and related agencies.3. AD / ART they are simple not too much.4. Just as the motor club, they also like to do social activities.5. When touring an area, they make the line fast enough alias slow.6. Emphasizes solidarity, an essential motor of any solid and willing to cooperate.7. Away from the inauguration of a new member and just the word anarchist community recognition and regulation alone.8. The members are just the community, usually formed as often hanging out together and Based on the desire to build a container if you want to do the touring.9. They have names and symbols are listed in the police, but some are not merely a collection of the child and the motor only.10. Not much different from the motor club.

We are Bikers NOT Gangster

should not be made a little fire burning in the circle of our community,
how to make our identity is our soul should bikers,,
so this is just our hobby bikers, not in lard tp even out a lot of money,,
there is no coercion / feel weighted / not easily provoked ....
answer only of ourselves as we can keep the community .....
THAT WE ARE NOT gangster

Google apps for the iPhone enhanced

Jakarta - The presence of Google + apps in the iPhone was not as interesting as its web version. Recognizing this, Google is finally doing a massive refreshment to change user opinion overdo disappointed.

With the release of version 2.0, Google began to dress the appearance of this application. What's changed?

Some differences can be seen in the text of which is now larger and more airy profile photo. Homescreen is also made more friendly. To stream it he made ​​more good views to the overlay, gradient, and other visual elements.

"We are Google + transforms into something more intimate and expressive," says Google's Senior VicePresident, Vic Gundrota.

Google + application for iPhone is already available in Tunes App Store. Gundrota say, for the Android version of the application will follow the next few weeks.


Tips on ATM Transaction

How to order any ATM is safe? To ensure that you do not become victims of crime in ATM technology, you can perform the following practical steps.

Check the hole where the card is an ATM
Skimmer or copier device affixed to the front hole of data points entering ATM card. These additional tools can trick the user if not careful. So, before inserting the card, check first whether there ex-patches, glue, or anything suspicious in the hole to insert the card. Because criminals could have put a skimmer device. If possible, choose to use an ATM that had been installed antiskimmer are usually green or ATM nodes in the hole. These tools can prevent the installation of a skimmer.
Cover when entering PIN numbers
To get the PIN number of customers, surveillance cameras are used for a peek and you may not be aware of its existence. To ensure the security of PIN numbers, cover it with a hand that is not used to press the button so that if there was a camera, can not take pictures when you enter your PIN number. Some ATMs have put the cover on the left and right buttons to enter a PIN, but not yet apply to ATM, you can protect yourself in this way.
Choose a safe ATM
ATM transactions at the remote can be dangerous, because you may be a victim of robbery. ATM is poorly controlled by the bank will make the criminals are free to install skimmers, surveillance cameras or other technology to steal your data. As possible choose to trade in a busy ATM, not isolated and, if possible, guarded by security officers.
Create a PIN that is not easy to guess and kept confidential
PIN number of your date of birth, date of marriage or date of birth partner is a number that is predictable. Then create a PIN that is more difficult to predict. But because of your PIN in the form of random numbers and hard and then you may write the PIN on paper or place that is visible to others. Do not do it. Do not tell your PIN to any person, especially if someone offers help when you're having trouble at ATM machines.
Change your PIN periodically
Perhaps most people are lazy to do this, because it means having to remember to change your PIN a new number. But it never hurts to do this for the safety of your savings. Periodically replace your PIN number.
Do not trust strangers
The new mode in ATM crime is by pretending to be bank employees, they make the machine swallowed the card is damaged so, then ask for contact numbers affixed to the ATM machine and when we're not looking, the card in the ATM machine will be taken. As for the PIN, they may see when we deal, or they pretend to help by asking for a PIN number. Although not intended to accuse anyone, should not be too trusting with strangers.
Avoid indiscriminate trade
ATM cards can often be used as a debit card to shop at various places. Make sure you use a debit card only in places that can be trusted. If the attendant swipe the card on a machine that is not official, and immediately asked to be careful, especially done in secret.
The presence of ATM has helped many people to trade, but remains cautious because many criminals who exploit vulnerabilities to steal your money.

Ethical Use of Mobile Phone

HP as a cell phone or telecommunications equipment must have a lot of benefits. This technology allows us to communicate easily. In addition, today's mobile phones, such as smart phones have many useful features. Then the appropriate use of mobile phones will have many positive benefits.However, given the many negative impacts that could be due to the use of cell phones, how to avoid these effects while using a mobile phone? Here are some questions and practical tips you can apply while using mobile phones.
  • When the time to avoid using cell phones?
When it comes to using cell phones can interfere with other people-for example, in the place of worship, theaters, classrooms, concert halls, and others, then avoid using the phone in a place like that. You also can set your phone on silent mode so as not to disturb others. Even if necessary, just turn off your cell phone.
  • Is it necessary to speak loudly on the phone?
Avoid talking with the phone in a voice too loud, especially if you are in public places (public area). This will attract people to you and could cause a nuisance to some people. In addition, the microphone in the phone is able to capture a soft voice though, so no need to yell or make noise when using your mobile phone.• Talk on the phone personally, why have?Do not discuss personal matters with a cell phone in a place that no one else, for example when in a meeting room, work space is shared, or even in public places like on the bus, train, bus stops, and others. If you need to finish the conversation, talk briefly and call back as soon as you exit the room and continue the conversation was private.
  • Speaking of close personal affairs of others
If you're talking with the phone, keep a minimum distance of 3 meters with others so as not to hear you talking. If you stand up or be around other people, will make the other person would not want to listen to your personal affairs.
  • Receiving a phone call while talking to others
Avoid disturbing phone conversation is being done. Generally, when the phone rang, someone will say: "Sorry, I received a phone first." This shows lack of ethics and respect for the person who was dealing directly with you. However, in special cases, receive a phone call while talking to others can be done if absolutely necessary to receive a phone call. The same thing applies when you're typing an SMS. Avoid typing SMS, talking with others.
  • How dangerous take a call or send SMS while driving?
Do not use the phone to talk while driving a vehicle let alone to type and send SMS. This is very dangerous. Because when you are speaking on the phone, you have lengahnya with an alcoholic. Especially if you're typing an SMS, then the alert level will be much reduced. The principle is to focus on driving your vehicle while driving and phoning while not driving focus.
  • Why should focus on the person on the phone?
When you are being the focus of talk using telecommunication devices like mobile phones, did it give focus to the other person talks. Communication is done via mobile phone rather than verbal and visual, so it needs your full attention to the other person to talk to avoid misunderstanding.
  • When the time off the phone?
Turn off your cell phone while doing job interviews, presentations, meetings with directors, and several other places that require quiet and tranquil atmosphere. The use of mobile phones on aircraft is also prohibited for aircraft navigation devices avoid interference. Use your observations, if you are in a situation that demands to turn off your cell phone.
  • Where better: Call or SMS?
If you are in a state of emergency or situation requiring rapid response, avoid using SMS to contact others. Call as soon as possible, because the telephone conversation is more effective than sending a text message.
  • Take a picture with the phone, how are the rules?
Do not take pictures or shoot other people with your cell phone without permission, because it is not polite and can make a person ashamed.
  • Receive an indecent image, what to do?
If you receive indecent images of other people in your phone, do not go ahead and deploy the image to your colleagues the other.Cellular phone or mobile telecommunication devices have been very helpful. But do not use your cell phone with reckless that causes an accident or a nuisance to others. Use your phone properly and with good ethics.

Tips Choosing a Smartphone or PDA Phone

BlackBerry, HTC, Dopod or the iPhone is a smartphone and PDA phone brands in circulation and a trend lately. BlackBerry fever recently made a lot of people vying to have the latest technology of a smart phone or smartphone. But if indeed you really need a phone with such sophisticated facilities? How to tips on choosing the right smartphone?
A variety of smartphone and PDA phone manufacturers are competing to market their products. Anyone working with mobile operators to create an exclusive network that can chat and send e-mail easily. There also are embedding a range of leading technologies such as 3.5G in order to access the data on the Internet or send e-mail at high speed. Some manufacturers embed function Global Positioning Satellite or GPS is integrated with maps in their products so as to make people can not get lost wherever they are.Basically smartphone or PDA phone is a communication tool or a cellular phone equipped with a digital organizer. This device can also function as a data organizer, e-mail client, web browser, music player, movie player, digital camera, GPS, edit documents, and other functions.
What's the Difference PDA phone and Smartphone?

Actually, both are almost similar. PDA phone which stands for Personal Digital Assistant PDA Phone is a development of which can also be used as a phone. PDA itself was originally created as a mini computer that functions as a digital organizer and easy to carry everywhere. But in a subsequent development, the functions added in the PDA phone that is known by the name of the PDA phone.Instead smartphone is the development of the mobile phone which is then added features and other facilities so that it becomes a smart phone and called the smartphone. In comparison, almost no difference between the PDA phone and smartphone.
Tips for Choosing a PDA phone or Smartphone

Here are some tips and advice before you decide to replace your mobile phone with a smartphone or PDA phone.

Cellular network 
If you frequently travel abroad or out of town, choose a smartphone with GSM and not CDMA. Because overseas, you can buy prepaid cards to be installed on your smartphone. You could also use the roaming network from your service provider. But if you more in the country, you can use alternative networks such as CDMA. 
OS (Operating System) 
We have available a variety of operating systems (operating system) for the smartphone. Some of them are Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android, Linux, Palm OS, and BlackBerry. Each has advantages and special functions. Check carefully which functions are most suitable and most frequently used. Almost all operating systems can perform basic functions such as telephone, e-mail, web, and SMS / MMS. But there are some specifics, such as the BlackBerry is able to connect to the server e-mail and BlackBerry's special chat server. If you are using Microsoft products like Windows and Microsoft Office, then you can choose the device with Windows Mobile operating system so you are more accustomed to using it. 
Speed ​​Data (Download Speed) 
Data rates can also be a special consideration for those who frequently take the data on the Internet or send data via e-mail. Some smartphone offers 3G data speeds up to HSDPA (High Speed ​​Downlink Package Access) or 3.5G speed up to 7 times the speed of 3G. In the CDMA network is also known as EV-DO. If you subscribe to packet-based time, the higher the data rate, the cheaper your credit bills for a faster download time. Data rates from the lowest to the highest of (on GSM): GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 3.5G (HSDPA). 
WiFi function 
If you are located in areas that provide free hotspot, then consider buying a smartphone that has WiFi. With this facility, you can connect to the Internet without burdening your credit bills. This function is not recommended for smartphones has given many cellular networks that offer broadband Internet speeds, such as 3.5G and EV-DO. 
QWERTY Keypad 
Some smartphones are equipped with QWERTY keypad is a keypad arrangement similar to the arrangement of letters letters on a computer keyboard or laptop. This facility is easier for users to type on a smartphone rather than using the numeric keypad or numbers. If you are typing, then you are fit using the QWERTY keypad. But if you just simply call, read e-mail and browsing, numeric keypad or the numbers are still right for you. 
Connectivity (Connectivity) 
Make sure you can move existing data in the smartphone to the media or other devices easily. Suppose you have taken a picture or portrait is pretty much in your own smartphone, and want to transfer to your computer or your laptop or print to a printer. Of course you need a connection to another device such as a data cable, USB or via Bluetooth. Therefore, make sure that one or more facilities to connect to other devices available on the smartphone that you will buy. 
Check if the number of available internal memory mencukup for your data needs. If you feel less, also check that the smartphone has a slot for external memory to accommodate your data. 
Display (Display) 
If you frequently work on documents on your smartphone, then choose the size of the screen (display) is big. The larger screen makes it easier and comfortable in the process and work on your documents. But to remember is that a large screen size will make the device battery faster. Also consider the depth of colors displayed. The greater depth of color, the images shown will be more beautiful. 
You can also check applications (software) anything contained in the smartphone. If you are processing a document, whether existing office applications in it (office suite), such as word processing, spreadsheet and other applications. Or if you like listening to music or watching movies, whether it is available the application of good entertainment in it. 
Connection (Corporate Connection) 
If you are assigned to provide smartphones to employees in your company then consider a smartphone that can be integrated with the systems in your company. BlackBerry is widely used for the employee to the company because of its compatibility with integrated e-mail system and server in the company. 
After Sales Service 
Make sure you purchase the smartphone through a distributor who has a clear after-sales service. Since the number of features on a smartphone, of course you need a good after-sales support such as warranty, product training, software updates and fixes. 
Ensure Again 
Make sure the product before deciding to buy a smartphone by asking yourself the following questions:If the device is comfortably held?Is the display screen looks clear enough?Does the price is still reasonable for me?Are the buttons and keypad easy to use?
Smartphone or PDA phone is not the cheap stuff. Therefore, when I want to buy the device, you must choose carefully as you need. If your primary need to listen to music, watching movies or playing games, then you should just buy a phone with entertainment functions. But if you frequently use the Internet, working with a variety of documents, requiring the regulatory schedule and organizer, then you should choose your smartphone or PDA phone. A smartphone can do many things to simplify your life.

Protecting Yourself in Public Toilet

You do not need too afraid to use the toilet because there are several ways to protect yourself from germs in public restrooms, among others:

     Items that you carry like a purse, wallet or other items should not be placed on the toilet floor.
     Before using the toilet, flush used to remove urine and other filth into battery housing.
     If using a toilet seat, wipe the toilet seat by using a tissue.
     Coat the toilet seat with toilet seat upholstery if any, or use a tissue as upholstery.
     Do not sit on the toilet seat if it looks wet or dirty. Position to do is to float a sitting position without touching the toilet. You can rely on a wall or door while doing so.
     Whenever possible, avoid to touch the objects that exist in the toilet. You can use a tissue when hit flush on the toilet or opening the door.
     Before pressing the flush toilet lid by using a tissue. In the open state, the germs in the toilet can jump out and about or enter the body. If there is no cover, away from the toilet during a flush.
     Finished using the toilet, do not forget to wash your hands with soap. Wash your hands the right way for 20-30 seconds, which includes rubbing the palms, back of hands, between your fingers and the area under the nail. If available, use hot water is more effective at killing germs.
     Dry hands with paper towels after washing hands.
     If you bring alcohol hand wash liquid used without rinse, can be used after washing hands and left the toilet.

Another important thing is to avoid the disease by keeping the body healthy condition so that the germs will not interfere with your health. Using public toilets are not to be feared if you know how to safely use it.

Tips on How to Choose Fruit Avocado

When you go to the market to buy avocados, should never judge a mature avocado from its skin color. If you encounter an avocado-colored or brown older, not necessarily an avocado is ripe. Try the avocado is slightly pressed. If it feels softer means the fruit is ripe.

Important rules while Drinking Juice

Juice processing that is not true, the wrong time or wrong way of looking for the juice to make the juice is reduced to the body. In order for refreshment is not in vain, some rules in the juice drink, among others:

Acid juice is not for the morning
Glad you opened the day by drinking juice in the morning? Indeed, the morning is the best time to drink the juice, because fruit juice contains lots of water and fiber that will be beneficial for digestion. In order not to upset stomach, avoid acidic fruits for juice in the morning. Banana, papaya, apples or carrots may be the right choice for fruit juice in the morning.
Juice is not a substitute for food
When on a diet or health, it is okay to change your dinner with a glass of juice. But, that does not mean breakfast and lunch as well just drink the juice with the intention to lose weight. Nutritional needs still to be met from other foods. Fruits will not be able to meet the needs of 1800 kcal, the minimum number of calories that must be met in a day. As a result, the immune compromised.

Although weight loss may be decreased drastically, but will quickly eat up time with the original pattern. Because the juice does not reduce the fat, just reduce the water in the body.
Not a substitute for fruit juice
JusTerus drinking juices and over again, without directly consuming the fruit is not good. This can increase body weight. The need to keep taking the fresh fruit beneficial to the stomach, because during the process of chewing, stomach going to work and burn approximately 20 kcal. So, keep the consumption of fresh fruit, not all can be replaced with juice.
Juice drink with pulp
If you make juice using a juicer, the waste would be separated. Although it may feel uncomfortable, do not waste the fruit pulp that has been separated. If using a blender, do not strain to get any water, let the dregs remained mixed and drunk. In the fruit pulp fiber and vitamins contained, the most common is vitamin C. It is very beneficial for the body.
Juice should not be stored for a long time
Juice that has been made should be taken. Create a new juice and drink in the afternoon or evening lowers the benefits of juice. Vitamins that there can be damaged by oxygen and ultraviolet that are around us. If you can not directly consume the juice, it can be done by making cold juice as possible, then stored in a sealed aluminum thermos. Cold conditions and protection from light to help maintain vitamin that is on the juice for 4 hours.
Juice is not necessarily low in calories
Does not mean all the fruit is low in calories and will help your diet. Fruits such as avocado, jackfruit and durian fruit is high in calories, which is about 200 kcal. If you want juice with a low calorie, can pick oranges, apples, melon, watermelon or pear calorie content of about 80 kcal. If overweight, you should choose a low calorie fruit juice.
Does not always have fruit juice
Vegetables can be made into juice. Bitter taste in the vegetables can be overcome by combining vegetables with fruit, so it feels more fresh.

Not only vegetables, juice can be a combination of fruit and spices. For example, by adding ginger to warm the body also increase endurance. Can also add a little cinnamon on your juice.
Use the juice of fresh fruits
In order to obtain the maximum benefits, use fresh fruits or vegetables that are still in fresh condition. Do not they see the fruit or vegetables begin to wilt, then out of love finally made juice. This will make the juice quality is reduced.
Juice with a variety of
Do not just make the juice from the fruit that's it. For example, because you like oranges, every day they drink only juice orange juice. Replace it with other fruits that contain different vitamins and minerals for the body to benefit. Combines a variety of fruit in one glass of juice is a practical way for the body to gain some benefit in a single gulp. A mixture of oranges and apples, bananas and apples, carrots and tomatoes, or apples and grapes are a combination that can be tried for giving some benefits as well.
Juice with added sugar, honey or milk
To add to the enjoyment of juice, usually added sugar, honey or milk. There are a few rules if you want to add the juice with one of these partners. Consider the amount of sugar or honey to be used or the choice of milk.

If you want to add the sugar, try to remember first is how much sugar you eat today. Ideally, your body may only receive 50 grams of sugar per day. One teaspoon of sugar, weighing about 4 grams. If you already enjoy a morning of ice cream, cookies, cake or sweet tea, adjust the sugar to be added to the juice to avoid excess sugar consumption.

Honey is a natural sweetener that contains carbohydrates, protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. But the calorie content of honey is greater than the sugar. One tablespoon of honey has 64 calories kcal. So, if you want to add honey, preferably only in small portions, especially flavor of honey is sweeter than sugar.

Add juice to the juice to get additional milk protein, calcium and fat from milk. To consider is the type of milk to be added. If there are no problems with weight, it can use full cream milk. In contrast, the use of low fat milk if you want to maintain weight and that fat is not excessive.

Choose The Right Juice
Juice consumption may be one solution to address the health problems that you face. Choose fruit or body needs to help reduce your health problems. For example, to lower high blood pressure or thin the phlegm can make starfruit juice. Tomato juice to help control the sugar in the body. While the mixture of cucumber and carrot for rheumatic complaints.
By following the correct rules when drinking juice, healthy drinks will increasingly feel the benefits for the body.

Negative expectations Self-Destructive

          We as humans often refer to themselves as being weak so they can do things without realizing it can self-destruct. When his heart was hurt, getting trials, tested or disaster overwritten by God or his heart hurt it can cause such an irrational act of self-destructive, damaging others and some even up to end his life. It's your life these days feels heavy but rest assured you can still pass through. Allah loves not those who despair. Happiness and sadness always come and go, so do not be sad, do you need now is a kink in the face of life, you certainly get happiness.
       Self-destructive caused more negative expectations on him. There are three perspectives that then led to negative expectations. First, the self (self). Second, the world (world). Third, the future (future). People who have negative expectations because of the negative outlook of ourselves and the future. Those who despair and broken man who thinks of himself as a helpless and do not have the ability and feel they have no chance of a happy life in the future. The emergence of a negative outlook about themselves and the future delivery of negative expectations so as to ruin themselves and ruin the people around him.

Five Opportunities to Success Life

Different than that of chance. Two people who have a chance there is not necessarily the same fate. Many factors have become critical success, there are factors under control and there are factors beyond the control. Simple theory says that the higher one's intelligence level, the higher the chances of success. But the reality is that many people who have very high IQ actually worked under the company led by a man who his IQ mediocre. Recent research suggests that emotional intelligence is more significant than IQ determine success. why? because the laws of logic are not always relevant to problem solving. Messy problems often do not follow the principle - the principle of logic, therefore it takes a different approach. Prophet Muhammad gave us tips to achieve success in our lives. One hadith says, Ightanim Khomsan qobla khomsin, captured five opportunities before the arrival of the five obstacles.
First, Hayataka qobla mautika, while still alive before death, use that age as productive as possible, because only when a living person can invest for happiness hereafter. If the person is dead then the productivity low, apart from three cases. charity jariah, useful knowledge and godly child praying. As long as it is still alive, multiply the charity, the charity that emergence of long-lived and utilized by the people, for example, make bridges, roads, schools, mosques, hospitals. Teach science you have to others, so while you practiced science, you can still reward, and educate your children to be godly children, because only the devout prayers of children are guaranteed acceptance with God.
Second, Syababaka qobla haramika. As long as young before old. use youth to learn and work hard, because people learn at a time when young like painting on rock, not easily lost, while studying at a time when parents, especially after dementia, such as painting over the water, immediately forget. Also work hard at a young age to save money, so that in later old age live to enjoy the fruits of the plant when young. People, when was senile, he returned weak crate child, back when it was not stupid like school
Third, Shihhataka qobla saqamika. Mumpung still healthy, before the illness. Healthy is not only enjoyment, but also opportunities. In healthy people can do many things, can overcome many obstacles, can collect up to at any time if sick. Health is a rare pleasure to realize, only after sick people realize how meaningless sound.
Fourth,. Ghinaka qobla faqrika. As long as still have, still rich, not bankrupt, use your wealth to positive things for people, families, neighbors or the community at large, because if you went bankrupt you are no longer able to give, and just realized how meaningless contribution of the rich. Characteristic of the rich is no longer a requirement and have the ability to give. If people already hold a lot but it needs a bit more so that he can not afford to even take a share of the poor, and people like that are not rich. There is therefore a poor heart rich treasure, and there are people who are poor but rich in heart treasures. People who are rich in heart, had five thousand upiah still able to give four thousand dollars. Come on, are still rich.
Fifth,. Sa `atika qobla dloiqika. As long as still have the spaciousness, yet narrow crushed, As long could not narrow, use that opportunity to do the best. Opportunities often do not come twice, do not waste the opportunity. Do the wrong choice and wrong decision when the opportunity is open. Many people use the opportunity that led to the narrow-long regret, only a momentary pleasure leads to pain forever.